Activating a Portion of a Cloud of Points

You can activate a portion of a cloud of points or of a mesh, either by picking directly elements of the cloud (points, scans, grids, cells, clouds) or by defining a portion of the cloud or mesh with a 2D or 3D trap, or by moving a brush over a portion of a mesh. Activate proposes a context toolbar to activate a portion of a cloud of points or of a mesh.

Before you begin:

  • This command is available in 3D Printing Preparation and 3D Printing.
  • Activate displays only triangles that are fully selected (that is, the whole triangle is inside the selection trap, or all its vertices have been picked). If you select only one or two vertices of a triangle, or if the selection trap intersects the triangle, it is not displayed. As a consequence, when you click Swap, the triangles displayed are not the exact complement of the previous selection.
  • The free edges of an activated area are those of the complete mesh. As a consequence, if you activate only a portion of a mesh, the free edges of that portion are not displayed.

  1. From the section of the action bar, click Activate .
  2. Select a cloud of points or a mesh.
  3. In the context toolbar, choose a selection mode.
    • Pick
    • Trap
    • Brush
    • Flood .
  4. For Pick, select the type of elements to pick.
    • Point
    • Triangle
    • Scan/Grid
    • Cell
    • Cloud .
  5. For Trap, decide whether the selection is inside or outside the trap, and select a type of trap.
    • Rectangular
    • Polygonal
    • Spline .
  6. For Brush, edit the radius .
  7. For Flood, decide to work without or with angle , and edit the angle .
  8. Make a selection. Repeat as required.

    Tip: Shift + Select to remove elements from the current selection.

  9. Click Swap to invert the selection.
  10. Click Activate all to retrieve all the points.
  11. Click OK to validate.
    Only the portions of the cloud or mesh that you have selected are active.