Exporting Meshes

You can export meshes to STL format. This command is available in 3D Printing Preparation and 3D Printing, to export to STL format only.

  1. Save all the content in session.

    Note: If you are working in offline mode, perform a local save on all the content.

  2. Select Share > Export > STL File
  3. Select the mesh to export.
    • Select elements from the work area.
    • Or click Element List .
      • Select an element from the tree or the work area to add it to the list.
      • The elements to export are listed in this dialog box.
      • Select an element in the list and to remove it from the selection..
      • Close the list to end the selection.
    The name of the element selected (if only one) or the number of elements selected (if several) are listed under Selection.
    • If you select a composite element, only its visible subelements (clouds of points or meshes) are exported.
    • If you select a product, elements in unloaded representations are not exported.
    • If you select a single element (cloud of point or mesh), it is exported, even if it is in the No Show mode.
  4. Select Grouped to export all elements into a single file, or clear it to export each element into a distinct file.

    By default, Grouped is selected.

  5. Select Stl (*.stl) from the Format list.
  6. Enter the Filename and Location.
  7. Select the export Axis System:
  8. Select the File unit.
  9. Indicate if you want the STL format to be binary or not.

The export files are created.

  • The export file is created with the extension of the format selected.
  • If you have selected Grouped, the name of the output file is the File Name you have entered, followed by the format extension.
  • If you have not selected Grouped, the names of the output files are FileName_NameOfElement_suffix where the suffix is the position of the element in the tree. For example, you have selected element1, element2, element3, ..., you have entered MyFile as the File Name, the output files names are MyFile_element1_1, MyFile_element2_2, MyFile_element3_3, ... followed by the format extension.
  • If you have selected a format that is not coherent with the elements selected, the files are not created, or contain only the compatible elements.