Enabling Code Explanations

This procedure describes enabling the capability to show a summary of a datacard code by hovering the pointer over a code.

See Also
Adding or Editing Datacards and Groups
  1. Select General Operations in a PPR tree.
  2. Select Create Time Analysis.
    The Create Time Analysis dialog box appears. See Creating a Time Analysis
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the time analysis, select MTM1 subsystem from the list, and then click OK.
    The MTM1 subsystem dialog box appears.
    Note: You can customize the subsystem STD, UAS, MEK, MTM2, and RWF by adding the internationalization file DELSTMTimeAnalysisDatacardDlg.CATNls located in win_b64\resources\msgcatalog. For the SAM and MOST subsystem, the file is; DELSTMDatacardSAMDlg.CATNls and DELSTMDatacardMOSTDlg.CATNls, located in win_b64\resources\msgcatalog.
  4. Click Datacard.
    The MTM1 datacard appears. For information about multiple code inputs in a datacard, see Creating Datacard Codes Requiring Multiple Inputs
  5. Place the pointer over R-A.
    The explanation of the code appears.