Managing Abuse Reports

As an administrator of a platform, you can manage abuse reports sent by the members of a community. You will also receive an email every time a user clicks Report abuse.

Before you begin: You must be Administrator of the platform.
See Also
About Moderation Mode
  1. From the top bar, select Communities Menu > 3DSwym Management.
  2. In the Report Abuse Management section, click an item in the list.
  3. in the 3DSwym - Report Abuse widget, click the link of the item you need to moderate.
    If you already have the required rights, you can delete or edit the content directly. Otherwise, click OK in the Moderate this content dialog box to get the required rights.

    The item appears.

  4. Optional: if you think that the content is not appropriate, click:
    • Edit to modify the content and Publish to validate your changes.
    • Delete to remove the content.

The content is either modified and published or deleted.