Edit Community logo:Click Change to select and upload a new community logo. You can either browse for a file or just drop your file into the Drop your files from your desktop or click here: section. Description:Provide a quick description for people who are not yet members of the community. The description of the community appears in the ID card of the community. Main Owner:Select the main owner of the community. From a role standpoint, this member has the same rights as any other owner. Community visibility for employees:These settings are only visible to platform administrators. Select one of the visibility features below:
Community visibility for external collaborators:These settings are only visible to platform administrators. Select one of the visibility features below:
Idea status managementThis section lets you see and customize the status used to classify the ideas of your community. You must be owner of the community. A context menu available in front of each idea lets you reorganize the logical order of the status applied to the lifecycle of an idea. You can access the following:
You can also define the minimum required status to be able to create a requirement based on an idea. Note:
When you add a new status, a new color is assigned by default. You
can customize the color using the color palette.
Community features:These options are activated by default. Any member can create this type of community content. To allow contributors to create content, you need to select the Allow contributors to create check-box. Activate or deactivate one of the visibility features below:
Statistics available forYou can change the statistics visibility in the drop-down box as follows:
Idea status managementThis section lets you see and customize the status used to classify the ideas of your community. You must be owner of the community. Click Add a status to add a new status to those proposed by default. Click x in front of an idea status to remove it. You must set a status that replaces the one you want to delete. You can also define the minimum required status to be able to create a requirement based on an idea. Note:
When you add a new status, a new color is assigned by default. You
can customize the color using the color palette.