About the Ideas Pipeline

The latest 15 ideas per status of a community can be seen at a glance in the pipeline that is available in the right pane of your community. A white dot represents an idea, and the position of the dot in the different sections of the pipeline shows the status of an idea. The creation date of an idea is given by the horizontal and vertical position of the dot within a section. Newer ideas are closer to the left of a status section.

The size of the dots representing the ideas in the pipeline varies to emphasize the ideas having the greatest number of social interactions.

You can:

  • hover over any of the dots to display a tooltip that provides more information about the author and the number of comments and likes.

  • Click to display the pipeline details along with the list of ideas. From the list, you can open, like, or comment any idea in the list. Click a status section to filter the list of ideas.
  • Click a dot to open the idea.
  • Click a section to zoom in. Click the section again to zoom-out.