3DSwym Widgets

3DSwym also provides widgets that you can find in the Compass and add to a dashboard.

The following widgets are available:

This page discusses:


This widget lets you access 3DSwym communities in a dashboard. It behaves in different manners depending on your interactions.

  • If you click the app in the Compass, the 3DSwym app will open in a new browser window.
  • If you drag and drop the widget to your dashboard, the 3DSwym dashboard app will be added to your dashboard. By default, it displays the What's New section which shows all the posts,media - if the Display on "What's New" option has been selected -, questions and ideas of your communities. You can click an item to open it.

    The 3DSwym dashboard app lets you navigate through your communities and create content. It provides the same interface as the 3DSwym app.

  • Tags behavior:
    • You can use tags to filter the What’s New, community, item or member list views displayed in the center pane as you can do with the 3DSwym app.
    • The 3DSwym dashboard app also lets you add your own tags to an item when it is opened in maximized mode.
  • Search behavior:
    • The 3DSwym dashboard app is also responsive to the search when you select the Search in Current Dashboard filter. When a query or keyword is typed in the Search field, the widget only displays contents matching this query or keyword in the content list views (What's New, community, item or member list), shown in the center pane.
  • Drag functionality:
    • You can drag an item from the 3DSwym widget and drop it into another widget such as 3DSwym Content or 3DPlay widgets.
  • Widget preferences:

    You can set a default view based on your last visited content filtered by tags and a search query. These preferences are kept if you duplicate or share the widget with someone else, and let you decide whether to keep the saved view or your latest navigation view when you reload the widget.

    Note: Before opening the preferences, ensure to have the content, search query and tags you would like to keep.

    • Saved preferences: Displays the initial view that will be displayed if you share or duplicate the widget. It is valuated from the Current preferences option values below if you select Current preferences before saving the preferences.
    • Current preferences: Displays your current navigation view based on the community, tab or community item that you might have selected. Select this option if you want this view to become your default view. The stored tags and query will also be applied to this view.
    • Keeps your last visited content even if you refresh the widget or close the Preferences. If unselected, Saved Preferences if any, are applied. This option is selected by default.
    • 3DEXPERIENCE platform: if you have access to several platforms, it lets you select the platform to display.

3DSwym Content

This widget lets you display one or several 3DSwym items like a post, a media, a question, an idea, a wiki or a survey by dropping them from a 3DSwym widget. Comment and like commands allow you and other users to contribute to these items.

Note: Only one survey per widget is supported. If you add another item to a widget that already contains a survey, the survey will be replaced by the new item.

Click the icon of the app to get a preview or drag and drop it to your dashboard.

  • Widget preferences:
    • 3DEXPERIENCE platform. if you have access to several platforms, this preference lets you select the platform to display.
  • Widget behavior:
    • By default, the widget displays all the items. If required, a scrollbar lets you browse all your content. Selecting an item gives it the focus.

    • If an item is opened, click Content List to return to the content list view only.
    • If you drag and drop an item from another widget to this one, the widget displays a Drop here to add a content section above any other view. If the widget contains only one item, you can choose between replacing this item by the dropped one or by adding it as a second item.
    • If the widget contains at least two items, you can remove any of them by dragging it to a Drop here to remove this content section.
  • Tags behavior:
    • With multiple contents, you can use tags to filter the content list view.
    • You can add your own tags to an item when it is opened in maximized mode.
  • Search behavior:
    • The 3DSwym content widget is also responsive to the search by selecting the Search in Current Dashboard filter. When a query or keyword is typed in the Search field, the widget only displays contents matching this query or keyword in the content list view.

3DSwym Profile

This widget displays a complete overview of your profile and 3DPassport information. It also lets you complete the personal and professional information that you want to share with other members of the platform.

Click Me > My Profile to get a preview and click at the top right of the widget to add it to a dashboard. You can add the profile of any member of your platform to a dashboard by clicking either his picture or the hyperlink of the member's name from a 3DSwym widget.

Important: This widget is not available in the Compass.

  • Widget preferences:
    • 3DEXPERIENCE platform: if you have access to several platforms, this preference lets you select the platform to display.

3DSwym Analytics

This widget lets you display the statistics of the communities hosted by a platform as a pie, a column chart or as a simple table. These statistics are the same as those available in 3DSwym app. Select a community in the list to display the related statistics. You can select a specific date range using the date pickers and also export the statistics of the selected community.

Note: Whatever the selected date range is, the number of users per role will always display the same numbers.

For more information about exporting statistics, see Installation and Setup: Administrate: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: 3DSwym Administration: Managing Communities: Exporting Statistics.

Click the icon of the app to get a preview or drag and drop it to your dashboard.

  • Widget behavior:
    • Depending on the width of the column, the widget will be displayed:
      • In one pane with the community list by default or the community statistics if a specific community is selected.
      • In two panes with the community list in the left pane and the selected community's statistics in the right pane.
      • Click to display only the right pane. Click it again to return to two panes.
      • When an item is opened, click to return to the community list view only.
  • Tags behavior:
    • You cannot use 6WTags to filter the content.
  • Search behavior:
    • You cannot search the widget's content.
  • Widget preferences:
    • 3DEXPERIENCE platform. if you have access to several platforms, this preference lets you select the platform to display.