Installing Design with SOLIDWORKS Client (On Premises)

This topic explains how to install the Design with SOLIDWORKS client. Login with appropriate login credentials.

Recommendation: Reboot the computer before proceeding to the installation.
Note: The first login must be from the Compass for the initializing the registry settings.

  1. Run the setup.exe for Windows from the XCADDesignConnectors GA build package.
  2. Click Next.
    The Choose the installation directory dialog box appears.
  3. Click Browse to specify the installation path and click Next.

    By default, the path is <OSInstallDrive>\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B<release number>xcadconnectors.

    For example: <OSInstallDrive>\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B424xcadconnectors. Here, B424 is the release number.

    You can change this default path.

  4. Select Design with SOLIDWORKS and click Next.

    If a vault view folder of the previous release exists, you can reuse the vault view by clicking the Reuse check box. To create a new vault view, clear the Reuse check box and click Next. You may need to create a new vault view with different name or delete the earlier vault view folder if you want to use the same name and directory.

  5. Click Browse to specify the vault view path and click Next.

    By default, the path is <OSInstallDrive>\3DEXPERIENCE.

    You can change this default path.

  6. Select the language for the integration and click Next.
  7. Verify the information and click Install.
    An Information dialog box appears informing to restart the computer. Click OK.
  8. Click Close to confirm the completion of GA installation.

    GA installation is complete. Follow the below steps for FD installations.

    1. Run the setup.exe from the HF_XCADDesignConnectors.
    2. Click Install.
      An Information dialog box appears informing to restart the computer. Click OK.
    3. Click Close to confirm the completion of installation.

    Recommendation: Reboot the computer after the installation is done.