You can use the Create New Assembly command from the
Design Managertree to group components and form assemblies. The current physical product becomes part of the
new assembly. When you create assemblies, you can move and work with that group of components
as one object.
Before you begin: Open a physical product in the Design
In the Design Managertree, select the top-level physical product.
The context toolbar displays.
From the context toolbar, click Create New Assembly.
In the Create New Assembly dialog box, enter a name for the new
physical product (assembly).
From the Location menu, select a collaborative space.
If changes were made in the current product, such as Insert New
Component, select one of the following:
If this is a new assembly or does not have unsaved changes, no options display.
Save changes to the current product - Saves the changes to
the current product before creating the new assembly.
Dismiss changes to the current product - Removes any
unsaved changes to the current product before creating the new assembly.
Click Save Changes and Create.
If you have already saved or have no changes, Create is
The new assembly is created in the selected collaborative space with the name
you provided. The components appear below and are part of the current assembly.