From the Mold Features section of the action bar, click
Parting Surfaces
In the Parting Surface dialog box, select the parting lines from
the mold in the work area.
Click the check box to enable Tangent propagation.
For the parting surfaces specify the pull direction, distance and angle for the parting
surface. Specify the direction for the parting surface from:
- Perpendicular
to pulling direction
- Tangent to surface
- Normal to surface
- Selected direction
Normal to surface .
Tangent to surface .
Selected direction .
You can change the distance of the parting surface using the handles.
can specify the ruled surface distance from the parting line. Enter the
From the Advanced section, in the Exclude parting
line edges dialog box, select the parting line edges to exclude.
Select the corner treatment for the parting
Selected sharp corners
Selected round corners .
the check box to enable knit surfaces together. Clear this option to create individual
Round corners without knit .
Sharp corners with knit
. You can zoom in to see the details.
Specify Knit Tolarence if required.
To manually set the direction for the parting surface, select Manual
Direction Control.
Click the handle and select one of the following options:
- Perpendicular to pulling direction
- Tangent to surface
- Normal to surface
- Along X
- Along Y
- Along Z
- Fill to Adjacent.
- Selected direction
To set the direction to default, click Reset .
To select multiple handles, press Shift and click the
To highlight the ends of the incomplete parting lines, enable the Display
surface openings, .
To return to the parting surfaces, double-click the parting surface in the
Design Manager