Suggest Similar Mates

You can use the Design Assistance for Mates to quickly duplicate the revolute mate objects and entities to multiple locations that have similar surrounding characteristics.

Before you begin: Create components with revolute mates. This procedure uses the following component.

See Also
About Design Assistance for Mates

Context: The Design Assistance for Mates tool provides suggestions based on the revolute mate's characteristics.

  1. From an active component, click the mate you want to duplicate and select the Design Assistance for Mates from the context toolbar.

    In this example, the screw is selected.

    The Design Assistance for Mates bar displays. The suggested number of mates to add is displayed in the color blue.

  2. Click additional locations to add mates based on your needs.

    Additional suggestions display, based on the new location.

  3. Click the yellow suggested mates to remove the suggestion.
  4. Click in the Design Assistance for Mates context toolbar to accept the suggestions and close in the Design Assistance.