Direct Edit Overview

With direct edit, you can edit parametric or imported geometry without being limited by feature history, parametric relations, or original design intent.

A direct-edit feature is a morphable 3D shape to which you can add constraints and dimensions.

Warning: After you convert a feature or body to direct edit, you cannot change it back to parametric, and you cannot modify it using Feature Edit or Quick Edit.

This page discusses:

In history-based parametric designs, you can convert individual features to direct edit. You use the direct-edit commands where needed, while preserving the design intent of other parametric features in the tree.

In imported-geometry designs, where all geometry is contained in one non-parametric feature, you convert the entire body to direct edit. The direct-edit commands let you modify the geometry.

To convert a feature to direct edit:

  1. From the Feature section of the action bar, click Convert to Direct Edit .
  2. In the Convert to Direct Edit dialog box, for Items to Convert, select a face in the work area or a feature or body in the tree.
  3. Click .

To use direct-edit commands:

  1. Select a face or feature that has been converted to direct edit.

    Use the direct-edit commands and techniques listed below to modify the geometry of the product.

Direct-Edit Toolbar

When you select a direct-edit face or feature, the Direct Edit toolbar appears in the work area.

On the toolbar, select one of the following:

Move or Copy Moves, rotates, or copies the selected face, feature, or body. Drag Robot handles to move or rotate. Ctrl + drag Robot handles to copy.

Video: Direct Edit Move

Video: Direct Edit Copy

Offset Offsets the selected face. Drag Robot handles to offset.

Video: Direct Edit Offset


The Robot appears on the selected direct-edit face.

Drag the arrow handles to move the face.

Drag the ring handles to rotate the face.

Alt + drag the arrow handles to copy the feature.

As you drag, you can move the pointer over the ruler to snap to discrete values.


You can apply constraints such as Coaxial or Perpendicular .

Ctrl + select two faces and click a constraint type.

Note: Constraints between direct-edit features are persistent. They are maintained during subsequent editing operations.
Note: Constraints between a parametric feature and a direct-edit feature are not persistent. They are used for positioning only, and are not maintained during subsequent editing operations.


You can add dimensions to resize or reposition direct-edit features.

From the Sketch section of the action bar, click Dimension , and then select the faces or features to dimension.

Note: Before you use a dimension to reposition one feature relative to another, first apply a Fixed constraint to the feature that you want to remain in place.