Viewing Error Information in the Design Tree

If there is a problem with a sketch, feature, or assembly in a product, the Design Tree displays an indicator next to the corresponding item. You can view additional information about the problem.

Context: Common problems include:

  • Sketch that is under defined
  • Feature that cannot be completed, for example, a fillet that is too large
  • Mate that conflicts with existing mates
Indicator Description
Informational Sketch is under defined
Warning Sketch or feature warning
Error Feature error

  1. Right-click the item with the indicator in the Design Tree, and click What's Wrong?.
  2. In the What's Wrong dialog box, view the description.

    Note: To view additional messages, select the message in the Design Tree. To remove a message from the What's Wrong dialog box, click to clear the selection from the list.

  3. Click .