Reopens the last component you had open and restores any changes that were
saved temporarily (auto-saved). |
Lets you search for an existing component to open. The 3DSearch window appears. You can choose the component, and it opens in the
app. For more information, see Opening and Closing Components. |
Import file
Lets you select a file to import. The import dialog box appears and you
can enter the details. For more information, see Importing Geometry. |
Drag and drop your content
Lets you open a component in the app by dragging it from your local drive,
3DDrive, 3DSearch, or 3DSpace and dropping it in the work area. Files dragged from your local drive or 3DDrive are
imported. Note:
When you drag-and-drop a CAD family object onto the
home page, you are prompted to choose which configuration and revision to
Content & Knowledge > User Assistance
Lets you access the app user guide in the User Assistance portal. |
Content & Knowledge > Training
Lets you access the app training materials. |
Content & Knowledge > What's
Lets you access the new content for the app in the current
release. |
Recent Content |
The home page also displays a list of recently used content. It displays the
name of the physical product you had recently worked on, its
thumbnail, and other related information. Click the physical product
to open it in the work area. Content from all collaborative spaces is stored in one list.
Each widget contains its own list.
If you have changes to a model that is saved temporarily (auto-saved) and not permanently
in the database, you are prompted to choose if you want to open the
restored version or revert to the permanently saved version. You can
click Reload to discard your edits and reload
the last saved version of the model from the database.