
This section describes how to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter during the 3DSpace Index installation.

This page discusses:

3DIndex (BBDAdminPlayer) Issues Specific to crontab

Issue: When using crontab to start the Indexing, you may see errors such as:

line 1: 3359 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /../../DassaultSystemes/R2022x/VolumeSearch..xxxxx

Workaround: When using crontab commands to start the Indexing or any other DS tool, do not forget to define the PATH environment variable correctly beforehand. If the PATH variable is incorrect, the indexing command quickly fails at its start, since some executables and mandatory environment variables are missing.

Below is an example of PATH variable declaration in the, called from the crontab.

echo $PATH
export $PATH
/home/data/RTV/R2022xBSFsupl197/3DIndex/linux_a64/code/bin/CATSTART -run "BBDAdminPlayer -EnvName 3DIndex_DefaultEnv" -env Env -direnv "/home/data/RTV/R2022xBSFsupl197/3DIndex/CATEnv" 

Pop-Up Message About Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable

Issue: 3DSpace Index installation in silent mode may or may not show the "Visual C++ Redistributable" pop-up message:

Required package not installed:
The required package "Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable package (x64)" is not yet installed on this system.
Do you want to install it now?
(This operation will require administrator credentials)

Workaround: 3DSpace Index requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (x64). If you patch the machine with this level of Visual C++ Redistributable, this message does not appear.

Warning: OS Mesa Is Not Available on the Machine

Issue: In the 3D Index Web Admin Console, the following error message may display in the Advanced Report tab:

Warning: OS Mesa is not available on the machine. 
2D Thumbnails are not built.

Workaround: Create a symbolic link manually as follows:

ln -s