Manages access controls to the CloudView server. Default configuration
<ACCESS check="true" useIndexedSecurity="true"/>
For more information, see Indexed Security.
useIndexedSecurity - Optional keyword. Default is
true . This keyword controls the build-time and
run-time security behavior of the 3DSpace Index:
Includes or omits BOTYPEFIELDS associated with a
specific app.
For more information, see Adding Applications.
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the name of the
application. The name must be unique.
active - Mandatory keyword. Set it to
true or false .
Represents the Business Object Types found in your database. Each
BOTYPE entry must be unique and can appear only once in the
config.xml file.
Group the attributes you choose to index for each type under the
If a required type is missing from the
config.xml file, the 3DSpace Index consults the type hierarchy and
uses the next available parent type. To allow child types to index
their own unique fields, fields are not combined and used according
to type hierarchy. If type A defines specific fields, and type B
derives from type A, only fields explicitly defined for type B are
indexed for type B. If type B does not define any fields, the fields
defined for type A are indexed for type B.
A child BOTYPE definition overwrites the definition of its parent.
For example, if you define a child type for a BOTYPE but that type
is excluded from the parent of the BOTYPE, the child type is still
indexed. This parameter also allows you to turn file indexing per
business type on or off. For more information, see Adding Business Types Files and File Extensions.
When supporting mixed environments (real-time search
and indexed search), the BOTYPE entries control the
types to index. The BOTYPEFIELDS entries (see next
row) control the fields to index for those types. If configured to
use real-time search, the BOTYPE entries are not
required. However, the applications still require that the
BOTYPEFIELDS entries are in place to find the
matching selectable for a particular field.
For more information on how the active keyword
affects indexing, see About the Index Configuration File.
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the name of the
type. The name must be unique.
includes - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the
BOTYPEFIELDS parameter that contains the fields to index for the
excludefields - Optional keyword. Specifies fields
to exclude for a BOTYPE.
excludeFromCrawl - Optional keyword. Set to
true if you do not want to crawl specific
business objects and relationships.
active - Optional keyword. When set to
true (default), the BOTYPE is
included in indexing. All types can specify whether to be indexed or
not, independently of whether their parent or children types are
excludepolicies or excludestates -
Optional keywords. Specify a Type, Policy, or State exclusion. A
BOTYPE can only have one exclusion. You cannot exclude policies used
by different types in different type hierarchies.
inheritfields - Optional keyword. When specified to
true , the BOTYPE parameter inherits all the
BOTYPEFIELDS included for its parent BOTYPE.
indexfile - Optional keyword. When specified to
true (default), file indexing per business type
is on; when false , this function is off.
extension - Optional keyword. Allows you to declare
certain file formats for indexing by type. The formats with
extensions declared in the <EXTENSION> tag
within the <INDEXED-VAULTS> tag are indexed.
BOTYPEFIELDS (Business Object Type
Fields) |
Indexes only relevant fields for each BOTYPE used in
your database. Use:
BOTYPEFIELDS to group the fields to
- Use the
name attribute to apply the
- Use the
includes attribute on the
BOTYPE to reference its
In the following example, the attributes grouped under the
BOTYPEFIELDS are applied to the
<BOTYPEFIELDS name="common" >
<FIELD name="ID" select="id" type="STRING"/>
<FIELD name="TYPE" select="type" type="STRING"/>
<FIELD name="NAME" select="name" type="STRING"/>
<BOTYPE name="Part" includes="common,libraries" />
Do not remove the BOTYPEFIELDS
parameter when running a real-time search. For more information, see
the note in the BOTYPE parameter description.
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the name of the
BOTYPEFIELDS parameter. The name must be unique.
application - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the app
to associate with the BOTYPEFIELDS. When you specify the APPLICATION
to true, the indexing process includes these BOTYPEFIELDS.
Indexes new fields for a type without explicitly adding the fields to
the type.
<BOTYPE.EXTFIELDS name="" includes=""/>
In the config.xml file, define the type and
fields before referencing them in this parameter. If not, errors
occur when you run the set system searchindex
command, and the command stops.
If the fields are already included for the type, errors occur when
you run the set system searchindex command, but the
command continues.
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the name of the
type. The name must be unique.
includes - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the new
fields to index for that type.
Controls the chunk size of the number of objects fetched from your
database to index. After each chunk is sent, the
SearchIndexStats vault property is updated.
Do not
modify this parameter.
Configures a few consolidation server properties.
jsonpath - Optional keyword. Specifies the path to
the JSON files generated for the consolidation server.
eventmonitor - Optional keyword. If set to
true , incremental indexing is performed using
the event monitor. If set to false , incremental
indexing is performed based on the timestamp provided during
start searchindex mode partial modified
<timestamp> . Default parameter is
true .
Use this parameter inside the
<INDEXED-VAULTS/> section to specify the
types to index.
excludeattribute - Optional keyword. Specifies attributes to exclude from
the index. For example, you can exclude a binary blob that is not
useful in the index. List the attributes to exclude as follows:
<CRAWLER excludeattribute="attribute_1,
attribute_2,…, attribute_n"/>
excludebotypes - Optional keyword. Specifies BO
types to exclude from crawling.
excludereltypes - Optional keyword. Specifies
relationship types to exclude from crawling.
During the indexing operation, 3DSpace Index creates data sets. You can
configure the config.xml to create the
Datasets subdirectory into a specific
directory, as shown in the sample below.
By default, the Datasets directory is created under
the temp directory of the system:
- On Unix systems, the
temp directory is
/tmp . If the
config.xml has the path set to
/home/data/, then the datasets are
created under /home/data/Datasets. If
not, default path is /tmp/Datasets .
- On Windows systems (Windows 7 & higher), the
temp directory is generally,
Example: <DATASETS botypepriority="Hardware Part, CAD
Model" concurrency="1" incrementlimit="20000"
initiallimit="10000" path="/home/data/"
botypepriority - During crawling, this keyword gives
priority to all objects of this type (and its subtypes), and
attempts to crawl these objects before crawling objects of other
reltypepriority - During crawling, this keyword
gives priority to all connections of this relationship type (and its
subtypes), and attempts to crawl these connections before crawling
connections of other types.
path - Defines the directory path where the datasets
are created. Default directory is the temp
directory. This attribute expects the path to be an existing
initiallimit - Each dataset has partitions and these
partitions have ids of objects/connections that are available for
crawling. initiallimit defines the initial number
of ids in each partition. Default value=25000.
incrementlimit - Helps to increase the size of each
partition gradually. Default value=0. For example:
- If
initiallimit="25000" and
incrementlimit="0" , then each partition
will have 25000+0=25k ids.
- If
initiallimit="25000" and
incrementlimit="10000" , then the first
partition will have 25k ids, the second partition will have
35k ids, the third partition will have 45k ids, and so on,
up to a maximum of 1 million ids in each partition.
Unless there is a real performance
issue, keep the default values of initiallimit
and incrementlimit .
concurrency - This parameter helps to crawl multiple
partitions in parallel and improve the overall crawling time during:
baseline indexing, partial indexing, update indexing, and resume
searchindex (executed after a failed or incomplete baseline
Default value = 1.
For example, if concurrency=3 , the main MQL will
launch 3 other MQLs in the background on the same machine, to crawl
two partitions in parallel at any given time. These child MQLs are
responsible for the bulk of the crawling, that is, loading data from
the DB, building the CloudView metadata documents, and pushing them to CloudView.
Once the Baseline Indexing or the Update
Indexing operations are complete, set the value back to
1 , to avoid unnecessary performance
Use this parameter outside the
<INDEXED-VAULTS/> section of the
config.xml file.
It configures the number of events that must be read from the event
monitor for each page of events.
For optimum results, based on the number of select threads and
assuming that the MCS has enough memory, adjust this parameter so
that about 60 to 125 BOs/COs are loaded per thread.
size="" - Mandatory keyword. If this parameter is
not defined, then the default size is 1000 .
Specifies the file extensions to index. By default, it is set to:
names - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the extensions
to index.
Represents the attributes found in your database.
FIELD entries correspond to attributes on types
and are grouped under BOTYPEFIELDS .
For more information, see Adding Attributes to a Business Object Type.
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the name of the
attribute. The name must be unique.
select - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the MQL select
or JPO method that will fetch the value for the field.
businessobject and
relationship are no longer supported.
type -Mandatory keyword. Specifies the field's type
as either PARAMETRIC , NUM
(numeric), STRING , BOOLEAN ,
hidden - Optional keyword. Specifies whether to hide
or show the field in the UI. Set it to true or
false .
ramBased - Optional keyword. Use it for the
Name field only. This keyword optimizes the
field for sorting results faster (it uses CloudView RAM-based fields). Set it to
true or false .
chooserURL - Optional keyword. Specifies the
chooser page to use to populate the field's box. This attribute is
only used in form-based mode.
chooserJPO - Optional keyword. Specifies the JPO
method that sends the values to populate the list.
fieldSeparator - Optional keyword. Used to configure
the input control for full text search. You can define this keyword
using a single character or multilevel values. Separate multilevel
values with pipes.
fieldOperator - Optional keyword. Specifies the
operator to use when a user selects more than one value for a field.
Valid values are AND or OR .
minRequiredChars - Optional keyword. Specifies the
minimum number of non-wildcard characters that you can use in a
non-parametric field to filter the results.
format - Optional keyword. Specifies the field's
user type to fetch and display the user's full name.
Disables all attached file activity during crawl. This is useful for
test environments where a production DB is cloned without copying
the file stores.
For more information, see Disabling File Content Indexing.
Specifies the formats to index in your database. It indexes all
formats by default: <FORMAT name="*"/>
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the format name.
The name must be unique.
Use this parameter to manage other config.xml
files away from your main config.xml file.
These other config.xml files can only contain
specific information on business object types and fields, using
parameters. These files cannot contain other parameters.
Use INCLUDE in your main
config.xml file to reference each
additional config.xml file that you want to
include in the indexing process. For example, if you want to include
the types and fields defined in the config_VPM.xml
file, add <INCLUDE xmlsrc="config_VPM1.xml"/>
in the <INDEXED-VAULTS> tag of the main
config.xml file.
An included file can include another file. All
the config.xml files defined in an
INCLUDE parameter must be in the same
directory as the main config.xml
When you run the set system searchindex command, the
information in all the files merge in the
searchindex property. A warning message
displays if an included file is not found in the same directory as
the main config.xml file. The command stops if
the same types and fields are defined in two places.
You can optionally add the tidy parameter to the
set system searchindex command to sort the
information in all the files, that is, put all the
BOTYPE definitions in one chunk, etc. If you do
not use the tidy parameter, the information is not
xmlsrc - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the other
config.xml files to index.
Specifies the database vaults to index. It indexes all vaults by
default: <INDEXED-VAULTS names="*"
names - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the names of
the vaults.
excludevaults - Optional keyword. Specifies vaults
to exclude from the indexing process.
Specifies the maximum file size for indexing.
By default, the maximum file size is 20 MB, based on the
config.xml setting <MAXFILE
size="20000000"/> . To specify a smaller file size
limit (for example, 10 MB):
- Change the
MAXFILE setting. Set it outside of
the INDEXED-VAULTS element. For example:
<FORMAT name="*"/>
<STORE name="*"/>
<EXTENSION names="pdf,xls,zip,ppt,doc,txt,docx,xlsx,pptx"/>
<MAXFILE size="10000000"/>
- Run the MQL command set system searchindex.
- Modify the
file to set a high JVM heap. For more information, see Fixing Out of Memory Issues.
- Restart the CloudView Server.
size - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the file size in
bytes. For example, 20 MB (the default) is specified as
size="20000000" .
Controls the chunk size of the number of objects on which the selects
defined in the config.xml are issued (default =
Do not modify
this parameter.
Relationships are indexed by default.
Set it to false if you do not want to index
relationships: <RELATIONSHIP active="false"/>
Controls the number of search results pages used to refill and
repaginate search results pages that may contain blank records
(those the user is restricted access to). Refilled search results
pages then display without blank records.
fillpages="5" - Mandatory keyword. Default is
5 .
Use this parameter to identify the store or location closest to the
MQL client executing the indexing command: < STORE
name="STORE" preferredlocation="STORE" />
The optional preferredlocation attribute increases
file operation performance during indexing processes by using the
file copy (if it is the latest copy) in the store or the location
closest to the MQL client executing the indexing command. This is
similar to a user checking out a file and accessing the file copy in
the store or location closest to them.
If you do not set this parameter, the indexing process selects the
first copy from the list of valid file copies, regardless of
distance. For example, if an indexing process is occurring in Boston
and the latest copy of a file is in both the Boston and Paris
stores, and the Paris copy is used if it is listed first (forcing a
file synchronization). This may decrease performance.
name - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the store name.
The name must be unique.
preferredlocation - Optional keyword. Specifies the
store or location closest to the MQL client executing the indexing
Controls the number of threads running simultaneously during
indexing. The default value is calculated based on the number of
cores available (min=4 and max=8). To give a better performance when
running against a production server that has a high number of CPUs,
set this parameter to 8 or 16 .
3DSpace Service environment variable must
reflect the thread pool size. Set this variable to 2*(1+THREADPOOL).
By default, set this variable to 10.
size="4" - default value
You can translate any selectable containing a symbolic name by adding
the TRANSLATE_SYMBOLIC parameter in the
INDEXER section of the configuration file.
A JPO name and method is required within the entry. The JPO method is
called for selectables associated with the field definition. It
expects a string as parameter and then returns the translated
string. If the input string does not require a translation, it is
returned without translation.
program - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the JPO name.
method - Mandatory keyword. Specifies the JPO