Clearing Checkpoint Records

Exalead CloudView keeps checkpoint records.

This includes:

  • The modified date of the last object crawled.
  • The number of objects crawled.
  • The type of indexing process.
  • The start and end time of the crawling process.
  • The status of the index (Complete, Running, Stopped, or Cancel).

Keeping the modified date in a Exalead CloudView checkpoint allows:

  • An index process to be performed on an individual vault.
  • Multiple partial indexing processes to run at the same time on different vaults.

You can clear the checkpoints record if the indexing failed or to run a partial indexing process without clearing the current CloudView server. For example, if the checkpoints record for a vault has indexing as Running, even though indexing is no longer running, it is impossible to run a new index unless you clear the checkpoints.

See Also
Indexing Options
Running Indexing
Clearing the Index
Disabling File Content Indexing
Run the following command in MQL:

clear searchindex statsonly [vault VAULTPATTERN];

This clears the checkpoints record and does not affect indexed data in the CloudView server.
Important: After a checkpoints record is cleared, the first indexing process that you run, crawls every object in the vault where the record was cleared.