Activating the New Tokenization Mechanism

For On Premises installations, if you migrated from a version prior to - R2021x FD02 (FP.2032), follow this procedure to benefit from the tokenization enhancements.

With the new 3DSpace Index tokenization, the full-text search uses the standard approach allowing fuzzy searches, and the Advanced Search is more precise (typically, the space character no longer has a special meaning).

See Also
About the Index Configuration File
Indexing Options
Reference Information: MQL Indexing Commands
  1. Using MQL, apply the config.xml file to your database by running:

    set system searchindex file CONFIGFILE_PATH_AND_NAME ;

    Where CONFIGFILE_PATH_AND_NAME is the path and file name of the config.xml file used by the indexing process.

    For more information, see Applying configuration.

  2. Using MQL, run a baseline indexing to reindex all objects:

    start searchindex mode FULL ;

    For more information, see Running Indexing.