Module Properties

This document describes the Properties dialog box, which appears when Properties is selected for a module.

This page discusses:

DesignSync Object Properties

Name of the module.
Path to local work area, in the form of a URL.
Object type: Folder, Link to Folder, Module folder, Module base folder.
Note: When hierarchical references are populated recursively into the workspace, they appear as folders graphically, however their property type is Module base folder.
Repository Mode
Type of repository containing the project. Module projects are "Module"
Member of
Module workspace instance name.

Module Instance Details

Module Base Folder
Path to local work area containing the module.
Module Instance
Workspace module instance name for the module.
Module version
Module version loaded in the work area.
Server URL
Sync URL to the location of the module on the DesignSync server.
The selector for the module version loaded in the workspace.
Locker (hierarchical reference only)
Username of the locker, or is blank if the module is not locked. In addition to the name of the locker, this column displays an asterisk (*) if the object is locked in this workspace, or displays no asterisk if locked elsewhere.
Version Tags (hierarchical reference only)
Tags on the module version. This column lists tags in the order of Most-Recent to Oldest (the reverse order of when the tags were added).
Branch Tags (hierarchical reference only)
Tags currently on the module branch. This column lists tags in the order of Most-Recent to Oldest (the reverse order of when the tags were added).