
This topic describes the Tag dialog box, which appears when Tag is selected. It is used to tag branches or versions of modules, module members, DesignSync vaults.

Tagging is the application of a symbolic name, called a tag, to a version or a branch. Tags can only be applied to objects that are under revision control. For more information on the concept of tagging object versions or branches and naming conventions for tags see the DesignSync Data Manager User's Guide: Tagging Versions and Branches.

This page discusses:

Tag General optionsAdd a tagDelete a tagRecurse into folders/ Recurse module hierarchyReplace existing tagsTagTag version or branchVersion/BranchExclude OptionDesignSync Exclude List PreferencesReport modeCommand InvocationCommand Buttons
Tag modulesAdd a tagDelete a tagRecurse into folders/ Recurse module hierarchyReplace existing tagsTagTag version or branchMutabilityVersion/BranchModule Context OptionReport modeComment OptionCommand InvocationCommand Buttons
Tag Advanced optionsTag modified objectsTrigger OptionsCommand InvocationCommand Buttons

Add a tag

Add a tag to the selected object(s).

By default, This is the default setting.

Delete a tag

Select this option to delete a tag. Because a tag can exist on only one version of an object at a time, the Tag version or branch field is ignored when you delete a tag.

Recurse into folders/ Recurse module hierarchy

For a DesignSync folder, recursively operate on its contents. The set of objects operated on may be reduced by use of the Exclude field. By default, only the contents of the selected folder are operated on. For module members, this option recurses into folders but does not traverse the module hierarchy.

For a DesignSync module instance, recursively operate on the module hierarchy.  

Note: The module version being tagged is the server version.  Any modifications in the workspace, for example, if an older version of the hierarchy is present in the workspace, are ignored.  The hierarchical references that the tag command follows are the ones that are checked in as part of the module version on the server.

Replace existing tags

Move a tag to the version or branch specified in the Version/Branch field, even if that tag is already in use on another version or branch. For example, suppose that at the end of every week you want to select the latest files that produce a good demo and tag them "current_demo". To reuse the "current_demo" tag in this way, you must check the Replace existing tags check box.

By default (if you do not select Replace existing tags), a tag operation fails if the tag is already in use, because a tag can be attached to only one version or branch of an object at a time.

Note: You can move a tag from a branch to a version or a version to a branch. DesignSync provides a warning message when you do so.


Enter a tag name here that is easily understood - for example, "Rel2.1", "ready _for _simulation", "current_demo", "Golden".

Tag names must follow the following rules:

  • Can contain letters, numbers, underscores (_), periods (.), hyphens (-), and forward slashes (/). All other characters, including white space, are prohibited.
  • Cannot start with a number and consist solely of numbers and embedded periods (for example, 5, 1.5, or 44.33.22), because there would be ambiguity between the tag name and version/branch dot-numeric identifiers.
  • Cannot end in --R. (The --R tag is reserved for use by legacy modules.)
  • Cannot be any of the following reserved, case-insensitive keywords: Latest, LatestFetchable, VaultLatest, VaultDate, After, VaultAfter, Current, Date, Auto, Base, Next, Prev, Previous, Noon, Orig, Original, Upcoming, SyncBud, SyncBranch, SyncDeleted. Also, avoid using tag names starting with "Sync" (case-insensitive), because new DesignSync keywords conventionally use that prefix.

Tag version or branch

Specify which version or branch of the object to tag.

Tag version in workspace
Tags the version of the object in the vault matching the one you have in your work area.
Tag specified version
Tags a different object version in the vault than the one populated into your workspace. When you specify this option, you must also use the Version/Branch to specify the version number or name of the version to tag.
Tag specified branch
Tags a specific branch of an object. Use the select Version/Branch to specify the branch name.
Note: You can only tag the local workspace version of a module. If you select Tag specified version or Tag specified branch for a module, the current workspace version or branch is automatically populated into Version/Branch field.


This field only pertains to modules. The field is ignored when other types of objects are tagged.

When a tag is added, the new tag is marked as Immutable (fixed) or Mutable (movable). A mutable tag can be replaced or deleted. To replace or delete an immutable tag, Immutable (fixed) must be selected. The default Mutability selection is Mutable (movable).


Specify the version or branch of the objects to tag. If you selected the Tag specified version option, you must specify a version selector or selector list. If you selected the Tag specified branch option, you must specify a single branch tag, a single version tag, a single auto-branch selector tag, or a branch numeric, but not a selector or selector list.

The Version/Branch field has a pull-down menu from which you can query for existing versions and branches.

Note: This field is not applicable to module data.


See Exclude Option.

The default for this option is blank.

Module context

See Module Context Option.

The default for this option is blank.

Report mode

For the Report mode, choose the level of information to be reported:

Brief output
Brief output mode reports the following information:
  • Objects that were not tagged
  • Skipped objects
  • Success/failure status
Normal output
In addition to the information reported in Brief mode, normal output mode reports:
  • Information about all objects processed.
This is the default report mode.
Verbose output
Verbose is identical to normal.
Errors and Warnings only
Brief output mode reports the following information:
  • Failure messages.
  • Warning messages.
  • Success/failure status.


See Comment Option.

Tag modified objects

For modified objects in your work area, tag the version in the vault that you fetched to your work area. You might use this option, if you have modified objects in your work area and you want to take a "snapshot" of them as they were before you made the changes.

If you do not specify this option, when the tag operation encounters a locally modified object, the operation displays an error for the object and does not tag any version of that object in the vault.

Note: This option affects modified objects only. If a work area object is unmodified, the tag operation tags the version in the vault that matches the one in your work area.

Trigger arguments

See Trigger Options.


These sections appear on most dialog boxes

Command invocation
See Command Invocation.
Command buttons
See Command Buttons.