Validating Collaboration Environment and Data

You can validate the collaboration environment and database objects.

Note: This customization mapping checker utility is only available with Administrator.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Login to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. From the Compass, click Collaboration and Approvals.

Validate Environment

You can validate the collaboration environment objects of type VPLMInteg-SynchParameters (NewTyping, Team, VPM)] and other modeler database objects like types, relationships etc, based on context through which the user is logged in.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Collaborations > Environment Check.
  2. Click Submit.
    The collaboration environment check result is displayed.
    Note: If the environment check fails after validating the environment, it generates a report listing the reasons for the failure. Each entity has a different set of validation rules to be followed.

Validate Data

You can validate database objects and relationships created by users (EC Part, Product, catalog, library logical feature objects) in collaboration context.

Note: All the data objects must be collaborated before performing data check. A warning message may appears if the data is not collaborated.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Collaborations > Data Check.
  2. For the Select Object option, click to search an object.

    The Search dialog box appears where you can search filtered data based on types that are supported for collaboration. The following types of collaboration are supported.

    • part
    • VPMReference
    • catalog
    • library
    • logical structure
    • hardware products
    • change objects

    Customized type objects are not supported.

    Notes: When the Select Object text box is empty:
    • The Select Checker option and Full structure option are not available.
    • If you click Submit, a message is displayed to enter an input for the Select Object option.

  3. From the Search results page, select an appropriate object.

    Note: You can select only one object for validation. The selection of multiple objects is not supported.

  4. For the Select Checker option, select any of the following check boxes.


    Catalog Library

    Validates catalog and library structures.

    Change Object

    Validates change object structures.

    The Change Object checker is available only if your Business Administrator activates the Change Collaboration for EBOM-Product Structure option in the Engineering Part Automation tab of the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center.The Full Structure option is not available when a change object is selected.

    Part Product

    Validates part and product structures.

    FTRObject Product

    Validates FTR structures.

    • The availability of the checker option type depends on the selected object type.
    • If you do not select any of the check boxes and click Submit, a message is displayed to select one of the check boxes as an input for the Select Checker option.
  5. Select Full Structure to validate the complete structure available with the selected object and the relationships associated with the structure.

    Note: If Full Structure is not selected, it does not validates any relationship or object. It validates only the selected object.

  6. Click Submit.

    The collaboration data check result is displayed.

    Note: If the data check fails after validating the selected object type, it generates a report listing the set of data model validation rules that have not been followed.