Chaining Edges

Use Chaining Edges to quickly selection edges. The selected edges define further geometry. The selection is updated after a design change.

This task shows you how to:

Chain Edges and Minimize Angle

You can chain edges from an initial one while minimizing the angle between two successive edges.

  1. Select Minimize Angle .
  2. Select the initial edge.
  3. Optional: Select the Propagate Both Ways check box.
    Chaining edges propagates in both directions, starting from the initial edge.
  4. Click an arrow to indicate the direction and start the propagation.

    Note: Propagation through a partial edge is supported.

  5. Optional: To help propagation computation:
    • Select target edges.
    • Select stop edges.

    Propagation goes through target and stop edges, whenever possible, and ends at stop edges.

  6. Under More, specify continuity tolerances.
  7. Still under More, review the list of points where propagation made a decision not related to G1 continuity.
  8. Optional: Activate Result As Selection.
    No feature is created. The result is a selection of edges.

Chain Edges with Inner Curve

You can select edges between two points of a boundary. The edges are inner edges, that is not on the boundary of the selected support.

Use this mode to define areas on a surface, such as the flanges in Die Face Design.

Note: To guarantee stability when design changes:
  • The start and end points are automatically projected on the boundary. If the original BRep is lost, the last stored position is used.
  • If the passing edges are not found, the closest edge on the new support is used.

  1. Select Inner Curve .
  2. Select one start and one end point on the boundary.
    1. Select target edges.
    Propagation selects inner edges to go as fast as possible from the start point to the end point. G1 continuity is respected whenever possible.
  3. Under More, specify continuity tolerances.