Managing BReps Links

Use Geometrical Link to quickly manage BRep links. This is useful to relink BReps after a design change.

  1. Select a filter to display the relevant BReps.

    By default, all the BReps of the part are displayed on the left of the dialog box.

    • Support Filter lets you select any feature. Only the BReps pointing to the selected feature are displayed.
    • Display only KO BReps.
  2. Enter the Geometric Tolerance to initialize the search for corresponding elements.

    For each BRep, Geometrical Link searches a similar geometric element on the pointed feature.

    • Geometrical Link searches the same geometry, within the geometrical tolerance.
    • If not found, Geometrical Link searches all the geometries of the same dimensions, whose vertices are at a distance within the geometrical tolerance. In addition,:
      • For edges, the angle formed by the middle tangents of the new and the old edges must be under 20°.
      • For faces, the angle formed by the middle normals of the new and the old faces must be under 20°.

      A message informs you that a corresponding geometry has been found.

      Note: In some cases, several elements are found, for example when an edge or face is split in two. However, this makes relink impossible. You need to modify the data model manually.

    • If not found, Geometrical Link searches the closest geometry with the same dimension, whose middle point distance to the old middle point is within the geometrical tolerance. The closest element is displayed when you select a BRep.

  3. Start the search for corresponding elements. Select either
    • Analyze All
    • Analyze Selected.
  4. Start the relink. Select either
    • Relink All Possible
    • Relink Selected.