Positioning the Part

Use Part Positioning to create the layout of several parts inside a stamping press.

This task shows you how to:

Position the Design

You can define a stamping direction for each input, select additional elements, and define a symmetry in the design position.

Note: To avoid wrong manipulations when nesting a part or positioning it in the press line, the X and Y rotations of the Robot are disabled.

  1. Press a section in the wizard to access the corresponding dialog box.
    1. Press Close to revert to the wizard and close the current dialog box.
    2. Press the small icon on the right of the screen to revert to the wizard without closing the current dialog box.
  2. In the Design Position tab, select the surfaces to position.
  3. Select an input surface and press Edit Stamping Direction to start the stamping direction analysis and edition on the reference part.
  4. Select an input surface and press Z View.
  5. Add elements to the surfaces to position.
    1. Select a surface in the table.
    2. Select Planned Additional Elements, if planning is requested.
    3. Select Other Additional Elements if planning is not requested.
    4. Choose the elements to add, for example an insert.
  6. Define a symmetric part.
    1. Select a surface as a symmetric surface.
    2. Define a symmetry plane.

Nest Part

You can define the relative position of each input and define a symmetry in layout position.

Note: To avoid wrong manipulations when nesting a part or positioning it in the press line, the X and Y rotations of the Robot are disabled.

  1. Select a surface to nest, and press Edit Target Axis Coordinates.
  2. Select a surface to nest, and press Z Rotation
  3. Select a surface to nest and press Z View .
  4. Click Two parts on each side of Press X Axis to align the first selected part (left) and the last selected part (right) to each side of the press X axis.
  5. Click Two parts on each side of Press Y Axis to align the first selected part (left) and the last selected part (right) to each side of the press Y axis.
  6. Define a symmetry in the layout position for the surface to nest.
    1. Select a surface to nest.
    2. Select a symmetry plane.
  7. If at least two positioned surfaces exist, press Compute Minimum Distances .
  8. Double-click the computed distance and enter a target distance instead.
    The surfaces move by the target distance, along the direction that represents the minimum distance between them.
  9. Edit the Robot from the context menu.
    1. Enter rounding thresholds as required.
    2. Select a linear element to align one axis of the Robot with it.
    3. Select a set of faces to align a direction using the mean value of the faces normals.

Specify the Press Table

You can define the global position of all the surfaces as a single element on the press table.

  1. Press Z View.
  2. Specify the press table representation.
    1. Select a face of any feature that represents the press table.

      It can be a mechanical tool or a surface.

    2. Select the press table axis.