About Die Face Design Standards

Below is some information about standards used in Die Face Design.

You can create several standard files for different needs, and add relevant sections in them. Below are some examples.

The Analysis Tolerance section defines the default tolerances used to compute the geometrical analysis when validating the process.

 <std:node name="AnalysisTolerance">
    <std:typeval name="ValueAbove2D">10deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueBelow2D">10deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueMarginal2D">5deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueAbove3D">10deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueBelow3D">10deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueMarginal3D">5deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueMaxDepth">80mm</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueDraftAngle">8deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueShearAngle">8deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueUndercutAngle">90deg</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueToleranceMinCircle">-0.01mm</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueToleranceMaxCircle">0.01mm</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueMinInsertionDepth">3mm</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="ValueTravelInsertionDepth">6mm</std:typeval>
The Default Behavior section customizes the behavior of several Die Face Design commands.
<std:node name="DefaultBehavior">
    <std:typeval name="CamAxisToUse">ZY_XOut</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="DefaultPositioning">PartCenter</std:typeval>
    <std:typeval name="DefaultPressDirection">X</std:typeval>
  • CamAxisToUse: Values can be ZY_XOut or ZX_YUp. This defines the control done by the convert to cam action.
    • ZY_XOut means the cam uses a Z rotation followed by a Y rotation, and X points to the outside of the cutting line.
    • ZX_YUp means the cam uses a Z rotation followed by a X rotation, and Y is always in the +Z of the press axis direction.
  • DefaultPositioning : Values can be PartCenter or FirstFixed. This defines how the part positioning manages the part position.
    • PartCenter is the current mode (Part axis system is the press direction and all parts are positioned in this context)
    • FirstFixed fixes the first selected part and uses it as a reference for positioning.
  • DefaultPressDirection: Values can be X or Y. This defines how the part positioning manages the press flow direction.