Selection Tools Section

The primary area of the Selection Tools section provides commands for selecting faces.

Polygon Face Selection
Selects faces by drawing a polygonal trap.
Polygon Visible Face Selection
Selects faces that are visible from the current point of view by drawing a polygonal trap.
Tangency Face Selection
Selects faces by tangency propagation from the last selected face.
Color Selection
Selects faces that are of the same color as and connected to the last selected face.
Belt Selection
Selects faces by propagation on a belt.
Belt Selection Up To
Selects faces by propagation on a belt, up to a given face.
Up To Boundary Face Selection
Selects faces by propagation up to a given boundary.
See Selecting Faces Up To Boundary.
Chaining Edges
Selects a chain of edges.
Two propagation modes are available: Minimize Angle and Inner Curve.

Output can be a feature, that supports design change, or a plain selection of edges.

See Chaining Edges.
Stable Split Curve
Creates a curve by specifying two vertices on a surface boundary.
See Specifying a Functional Area by a Stable Split Curve.
Convert to 3D Spline
Creates a spline from a wireframe, which you can easily edit and use in further geometrical operations.
See Converting a Wireframe to a 3D Spline.
Create a 3D Spline
Create a 3D Spline.
See Creating a 3D Spline.
Create a 3D Polyline
Create a 3D Polyline.
See Creating a 3D Polyline.