Computing All Unfolds

You can quickly compute the unfolded view of all flanges from the current part data model. Compute All Unfolds works with detailed parts, that are the parts that contain a Concept to Detail Link.

From the Method Planning section of the action bar, click Compute All Unfolds .
All the realistic trim lines of the flanges contained in the Concept to Detail Link of the active part are generated.
  • For each flange in Intermediate Geometry > Flange Areas of the Concept to Detail Link, Compute All Unfolds retrieves the associated fixed area from Intermediate Geometry > Stamped Areas of the Concept to Detail Link and the support surface from the corresponding Detail to Detail Link of the current part.
  • Compute All Unfolds computes an unfolded trim line with the realistic trim line option, and aggregates the resulting trim line under an Unfold geometrical set in the active part.
  • If the realistic trim line option is not available, Compute All Unfolds computes the unfolded trim lines with the geometrical algorithm. A warning is displayed. The geometric trim lines are shown in purple for a quick identification.