Filling a Concave Area

You can fill the concave areas and create a regular contour.

  1. From the Die Face section of the action bar, click Fill Concave Area .
  2. Select one vertex on each side of the concave area opening.

    The vertices can be on the same support or not.

  3. Right-click the spline and apply or remove a tangency constraint from the context toolbar.
  4. To change the position of a vertex:
    • Drag it on the boundary (within Fill Concave Area).
    • Outside Fill Concave Area, double-click a point in the tree.
    • Edit the length parameter of the point.

A Fill Concave Set is created under Clean Contour. It contains the Fill Concave Area feature with:

  • One boundary (Vertices are on the same support) or two boundaries (Vertices are on different supports).
  • The selected vertices (Point on Curves features).
  • A join of the supports, if the vertices are on two different supports.
  • Two Stable Split Curves computed from the vertices (One for the smallest area, one for the largest area).
  • A Spline.
  • A Fill.

Double-click the Fill Concave Area to edit the vertices.