Computing the Boundaries of the Flange

You can analyze a surface and automatically compute the boundaries of the flange. Automatic Flange Boundaries is particularly useful when many simple flanges are designed on the part.

  1. From the Method Planning section of the action bar, click Automatic Flange Boundaries .
  2. Select a surface.
    Automatic Flange Boundaries detect fillet bones. They are fillets that go from one side of the part to another without ambiguity. For example, such as the orange areas shown below.

    An Automatic Flange Boundaries feature is created. It contains the Flange Boundaries curves.
    Tip: Use the result as input in Stamp Partition. The Flange Boundaries curves split the part automatically to define the flanges.
    Warning: In complex cases like this,

    automatic detection is impossible. Define the flange manually.