Creating Technological Impacts on Representations

Impacted by Components creates the impacts on one or several representations. One of the most typical uses of Impacted by Components is the replacement of a plate of a tool by another one and the creation of the impacts on this new plate.

You can select the following impacted elements

  • A 3D Shape Representation from the 3D area.
  • A 3D Shape Representation, or a 3D Part, or a Product with one single representation.

Note: Assembly impacts cannot be created if linked to a representation that is not loaded in the context.

This task shows you how to:

Use Automatic Clash Without Expanding Sections

You can quickly compute impacts by detecting clashes between visible components.

From the Component Use section of the action bar, click Impacted by Components and select representations to be impacted.

Selection ignores UI Activated product.

  • Impacting products are detected and displayed in red in the 3D area.
  • A ghost display is applied to all nonimpacted elements.
The impacts are computed from the automatic detection of clashes between visible elements.

Use Automatic Clash with Additional Manual Edition

You can manually enhance the automatic clash detection described above, add, and filter impacted representations. More importantly, you can filter, control, and select the Assembly Impacts to create.

  1. Start as described above.
  2. Expand Impacted Representation to access the table for edition.
    The table lists the impacted representations, one per line.
    • From left to right, each line is made of a check box, the name of the impacted product, the name of the impacted representation and the PLM type of the product.
    • By default, all the check boxes are selected.
      Important: There are two kinds of selection in the table:
      • By the check box
        • Only impacted representations with their check box selected are taken into account to compute impacts.
        • Check boxes can be selected one by one, or all together from the header.
        • Impacted elements are displayed in their real colors. Only they are modified by impact computation.
        • A ghost display is applied to all nonimpacted elements.
        • To each impacted representation with a selected check box in Impacting Representations correspond Assembly Impacts with a selected check box in Impact Result.
        • When you clear a check box in Impacting Representation, the corresponding check boxes are cleared in Impact Result.
      • By the pointer
        • When you select a line with the pointer (check box selected or not), the line turns blue in the dialog box, the elements of the line are highlighted in the 3D area, with the Assembly Feature shown in red. This is for inspection, not for computation.
          Tip: Multiselection by Ctrl or Shift keys is supported.
        • You can remove an impacted representation from its context menu.
    • Automatic Clash detects the impacting products.
    • Assembly Impacts are listed under Impact Result.
  3. Select additional impacted representations.
    • They are added to the table.
    • Their check boxes are selected.
    • Corresponding Assembly Impacts are added to Impact Result, with their check boxes selected.
  4. Place the pointer over the name of an impacted representation.
    The complete path is displayed.
  5. Click the arrow in one column header to filter the impacted representations by name or PLM type. The header expands to let you
    1. Either select the check box corresponding to your choice.
    2. Or enter a text (for example a prefix).

    The filter applies to all lines, with a selected or cleared check box.

    Only the result of the filtering is listed in Impacted Representations.
  6. Expand Impact Result to access the table for edition.
    1. Inspect the proposed results.
    2. Select the check box of the Assembly Impacts to create.

    • This table lists possible Assembly Impacts, one per line.
    • From left to right, each line is made of a check box, the name of the impacted product, that of the impacted representation, the name of the impacting products and that of the impacting elements.
    • Filtering, selection by check box or pointer works as described above.
    • Only Assembly Impacts with a selected check box are taken into account when computing impacts.

Define Automatic Clash Options

You can control how the automatic clash works.

  1. Expand Automatic Clash Options.
    By default:
    • Create all necessary impacts is cleared.
    • Process also invisible representations is cleared. Clashes are detected only between visible elements.
  2. Select Create all necessary impacts.
    In a selection of representations, the impacts found by automatic clash detection are created. A control is performed to determine whether other impacts are required. In that case, they are created.
  3. Select Process also invisible representations to extend the search for clashes to all hidden elements and geometry of impacting products and impacted representations.

    This is useful for opening components with only Assembly Features definitions.

  4. From the list, select an option to apply ordered rules.
    • Skip Ordered Impact Rules
    • Apply Ordered Impact Rules to All
    • Apply Ordered Impact Rules for Fixing Components.

Assembly Impacts are created for all the selected check boxes of Impact Result.

Modified Impacted Representations are visible in the 3D area.