The CATSmmConfig.json file is configured for a basic authentication.
Example of a CATSmmConfig.json file declaring a DOORS NG server:
"id": "/doorsNGvaldclm02dsy",
"title": "DoorsNG on valdclm02dsy",
"typeUri": "",
"address": "",
"description": "DoorsNG Platform",
"parameters": {
"ellapseTimeCacheResourceModel": "120",
"ellapseTimeCacheResourceData": "120",
"defaultPageSize": "100",
"paginationThreshold": "1000"
Key |
Description |
Unique identifier of the DOORS NG server.
Must not contain blank space.
Title of the DOORS NG server.
Cannot be customized.
The value must be:
Address of the server and the requirements management context (by default:
The address must
be: "https://<hostname>:<portNumber>/<context>"
ellapseTimeCacheResourceModel |
Parameter (in seconds) of persistence (in the cache of the connector) for the Rdf
model that is attached with an OSLC URL. By default, after two minutes, the Rdf
model that is associated with an URL is
- Removed from the connector cache of the connector
- Retrieved from the server once again
ellapseTimeCacheResourceData |
Parameter (in seconds) of persistence in the cache of the connector of the Rdf
Model associated an URL, for data only. |
defaultPageSize |
Default page size (pagination mode of a folder) : by default 100, it means that
100 artifacts will be retrieved and displayed by page. |
paginationThreshold |
Specifies the number of artifacts that causes the pagination or not under a
folder. By default: 1,000 artifacts minimum for pagination. |