Comparing Links Between Two Link Sets

You can compare the links in a link set with the links of another link set.

Tip: A property can be added to a link set link, in addition to the usual constraints For more information, see Links Constraint Configuration.

Before you begin:
  1. In a folder, create two links sets.
    Note: A folder can be created in Systems Traceability Dashboarding in the following categories of the tree:
    • Bookmark
    • Project
    For more information about bookmarks and projects creation, see their related User's Guides.
  2. In each link set, create a set of links that can be compared (based on the same elements).
  1. Select a link set.
  2. Drag a second link set onto the Comparison icon.

  3. Compare the links using the color code:
    Unchanged The source and target elements are identical in the two links sets.
    Type Modified The source and target elements are identical but the link types are different in the two links sets.
    Only in other link set There is no corresponding source or target element in the first link set.
    Only in this link set There is no corresponding source or target element in the second link set.

  4. In the first column, click:
    Add to this link set

    To add this link (existing in the second link set) in the current link set.
    Remove from this link set

    To remove this link (that does not exist in the second link set) from the current link set.
  5. To exit the comparison mode, click Compare .