From the relevant dashboard (for example, Project Management), you can upload an .rqtfimage in a folder. From Systems Traceability Dashboarding, you can display the links stored in this .rqtfimage file and verify their status.
The mapping is done when you drag the referenced documents to the root elements of the .rqtfimage. By default, the link
mapping supports simple reconciliation (same ID used in Systems Traceability Dashboarding
and Reqtify).
You can then set as context an .rqtfimage to propagate the Reqtify links to models.
Before you begin:
From Project Management, insert in a folder:
An .rqtfimage document
All documents that are referenced by the .rqtfimage
If a document is missing,
the Reqtify link is displayed but is seen as broken.
From Systems Traceability Dashboarding, open this folder.
In the folder, select the .rqtfimage file.
In the work area, root elements of the .rqtfimage are displayed.
To declare the root mapping:
From the tree, drag the referenced document.
In the work area, drop it to the referencing root element of the .rqtfimage.
From the navigation bar, click Refresh.
From the navigation bar, click Links (the last preview icon) .
The check is performed, and the result is displayed through a table.
Optional: From the header row, click an arrow to sort or filter the table.
Click a link to display its properties.
Click a source or target to display the properties of the source or target.
The valid or broken object properties are visible.
Double-click a link to switch to the coverage view.