Trimming Terrains

The trim operation in Trim/Split trims a mesh using cutting elements.

Before you begin:
  • Ensure that the mesh is exempt of non-manifold problems.
  1. Select a terrain to trim.
  2. Select the Cutting elements.

    Cutting elements can be:

    • Discrete polylines
    • Curves
    • Planes
    • Surfaces
    • Meshes.
    Note: The curves resulting of the projection of the cutting elements on the mesh must intersect each other or intersect free edges of the mesh. The portion of curves not taken into account at intersections must be as short as possible.

  3. Select a Projection type (applied to all cutting elements).
  4. Optional: Select the Preview check box (time-consuming).
  5. Select the Trim option.
  6. Click the scissors icon in the dialog box and pick the area you want to remove in the work area.
  7. Alternatively, right-click the scissors and crossed-scissors and select
    • Delete
    • Delete All
    • Invert All
  8. Select the Result options.
  9. Click Apply.
    The area with the scissors on it has been removed.