Installing PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD (Client and Server).

You can install PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD, on-premises or on the cloud.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Ensure that a supported version of AutoCAD is installed before installing the PLM collaboration services for AutoCAD.

Important: When connecting to 3DEXPERIENCE for the first time using AutoCAD, you must start PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD by clicking the AutoCAD app icon from My 3D Modeling Apps in the West quadrant of the Compass in the 3DDashboard application. AutoCAD gets launched and PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD automatically connects to 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

For subsequent logins, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Select My 3D Modeling Apps > AutoCAD to start PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD.
  • By creating a desktop short-cut of launcher for AutoCAD.

Install On-Premises

You can install PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD on-premises.

  1. Run the setup.exe for Windows from the Install XCADDesignConnectors_GA Windows64 GA build package.
  2. Click Next.
    The Installation Directory box appears.
  3. Click Browse to specify the installation path and click Next.
    By default, the path is <OSInstallDrive>\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B421xcadconnectors. You can change this default path.
  4. The below listed apps are selected by default.

    UEA - PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD Extension

    UEG - PLM Collaboration Services for Solid Edge® Extension

    UEI - PLM Collaboration Services for Inventor® Extension

    Select UEA - PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD Extension and click Next.

  5. Verify the information and click Install.

    Thereafter, follow below steps for HF installation.

  6. Click Close to confirm the completion of installation.
  7. Run the setup.exe from the HF_XCADDesignConnectors.
  8. Click Install.
  9. Click Close to confirm the completion of installation.

Install On the Cloud

You can install PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD on-cloud. You can ensure that you have the "3D Component Designer" and " PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD" roles in addition to "Business Innovation" and "Industry Innovation" roles.

  1. Log in to 3DDashboard.
  2. From the West quadrant of the Compass, select My 3D Modeling Apps > AutoCAD.
    You have to install a compatible version of the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher if it is not already installed on your computer.
  3. Click Download 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher > Run > Next.
    Browse and select the folder for installation.
  4. Click Install to install files in the selected folder.
  5. Click Finish.
    The 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher is installed. A Compass icon appears in the task bar. It displays 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher as the tooltip.
  6. Click the 3DEXPERIENCE Launcher icon in the toolbar to open the launcher in the browser and click Continue.
  7. In the 3DEXPERIENCE Installation dialog box, select Install All roles Containing AutoCAD.
    Complete the installation procedure by specifying installation directory path.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Start the browser, go to 3DDashboard application , click west quadrant of Compass and click AutoCAD.
    1. When connecting to a 3DEXPERIENCE server for the first time using AutoCAD:
    • You must start AutoCAD using the "AutoCAD" app icon from the West quadrant of the Compass in the 3DDashboard application.
    • AutoCAD starts and 3DEXPERIENCE PLM Services will be automatically connected to the 3DEXPERIENCE server.

    b. For subsequent logins, you can follow one of the following methods:

    • Start AutoCAD from the Compass using the AutoCAD app icon in the 3D Modeling Apps quadrant.
    • Start using the 3DEXPERIENCE desktop shortcut, which has been created for "PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD" from the compass using the AutoCAD app. If you start AutoCAD through a shortcut created for the CAD installation then "PLM Collaboration Services for AutoCAD" will not work correctly.