Opening Designs in 3DEXPERIENCE

You can open AutoCAD drawings from 3DSearch, Bookmark Editor, Relational Explorer and Product Explorer apps.

This task shows you how to:

Open from 3DSearch

You can open the drawings in 3DEXPERIENCE using 3DSearch.

  1. In the search tab. Enter the name of the drawing in the search box.
  2. Click search.
  3. From the search results, select the required drawing.
  4. From the west quadrant of the Compass, select AutoCAD.

The drawing is opened.

Open from Bookmark Editor

You can open the drawings in 3DEXPERIENCE using Bookmark Editor.

  1. From 3DDashboard, search for the required drawing and add it to a bookmark in Bookmark Editor.
  2. From Bookmark Editor, select the drawing.
  3. From the west quadrant of the Compass, select AutoCAD.

The drawing is opened.

Open from Relational Explorer

You can open the drawings in 3DEXPERIENCE using Relational Explorer.

  1. From 3DDashboard, search for the required drawing.
  2. From the search results, select the required drawing.
  3. From the west quadrant of the Compass, select AutoCAD.

The drawing is opened.

Open from Product Explorer

You can open the drawings in 3DEXPERIENCE using Product Explorer.

  1. From 3DDashboard, search for the required drawing.
  2. From the search results, select the required drawing.
  3. From the west quadrant of the Compass, select AutoCAD.

The drawing is opened.

The following table lists the file types that you can open in 3DEXPERIENCE.

File extension CAD type Power'By type
.dwg Assembly Drawing
.obj Inserted object XCADNonPSBaseRepReference


Note: Only drawings drafted in AutoCAD can be opened through AutoCAD within 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.