Saving Designs in 3DEXPERIENCE

You can save AutoCAD drawings, and its attachments and objects to 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

  1. Create a drawing in AutoCAD.
  2. Click Save from the 3DEXPERIENCE menu.

    The save dialog box appears.

    The 3DEXPERIENCE- Save dialog box consists of below attributes:

    Column name Description
    Locked By Displays the username who has locked the drawing.
    Action Displays the action to be performed, that the drawing is to be included or excluded.
    Description Description of the drawing.
    Revision Revision from 3DEXPERIENCE Platform server that is open in AutoCAD.
    Maturity State Lifecycle state of the file, for example, In Work, Frozen.
    Status Displays the status of object in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, whether it is New, Existing, Modified etc.
    Type Displays the type of corresponding design in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.-
    Title File name of the drawing that is to be saved.

    Note: The Save dialog box shows a tree structure of the saved file and the files it impacts, including linked drawings and external attachments.

  3. Click OK.

    A 3DEXPERIENCE- Progress status bar appears. The designs are saved to 3DEXPERIENCE.

    Note: Each component saved in 3DEXPERIENCE contains a unique name and a title.

    The following table describes the object types supported and the formats in which they can be saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.

    AutoCAD 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
    ACAD Drawing Drawing
    ACAD Insert XCADNonPSBaseRepReference


    Draftsight Drawing Drawing

    Right-click an object in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform- Save dialog box, and select any of the following options.

    Column name Description
    Exclude Excludes the object from saving.
    Include Includes the object for saving.
    Revise Creates a revision of the object.
    Edit Derived Output Selection Generates derived outputs automatically during the Save operation.