You can now place components managed in 3DEXPERIENCE using the standard Altium Designer Databased Library file i.e. the 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib and its categories (3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib – Capacitor). The category of a component is configured in 3DEXPERIENCE Electronic Component Editor.

3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib is tenant-specific and holds components and dependent objects from a single tenant. 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib is switched when you switch a tenant. The tenant-specific 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib is automatically added as a file-based library to Altium Designer and other 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib are removed from this list.

3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib is added:

  • On startup, if available.
  • When you connect to 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • When you perform Place or Add operation from the 3DSearch panel.
  • When you start 3DEXPERIENCE Item Manager.

3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib is used to:

  • Place components without the need of being online.
  • Select and use components in the Altium Designer flows that are not accessible by integration, for example Altium Designer Variant Management.

Components are added to and/or updated in 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib from 3DEXPERIENCE:

  • When you place a component from 3DEXPERIENCE using the Place command from the 3DSearch panel.
  • When you add components from 3DEXPERIENCE using the new Add command from the 3DSearch panel.
  • When you run or update components in 3DEXPERIENCE Item Manager.

3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib contains:

  • Information about components, their parameters, symbols, and footprints.
  • 3DEXPERIENCE metadata.

You can click Design with Altium Designer > Preferences > Altium Common > Clear Component Cache to clear the content of the 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib. The 3DEXPERIENCE.DBLib content is cleared on the next startup of Altium Designer.