Locking and Unlocking

You can Lock objects to avoid concurrent changes by multiple users. A locked object indicates that it is in work and an unlocked object indicates that it is available for modification.

This task shows you how to:

Lock or Unlock Objects in Altium PCB Project

You can lock or unlock objects in an Altium PCB Project.

  1. From the context menu of the PCB Project, click 3DEXPERIENCE > Lock or 3DEXPERIENCE > Unlock.
    A dialog box containing the complete design structure appears. You can see the lock status in the Lock Status column.
  2. Select the object and from its context menu, click Lock or Unlock as required. You can select multiple objects.

Lock or Unlock Altium Schematic, Layout, Draftsman, or Active BOM Document

You can lock or unlock an Altium schematic, layout, draftsman, or an activeBOM document.

  1. From the context menu of a document, click 3DEXPERIENCE > Lock or 3DEXPERIENCE > Unlock.
    The object is locked or unlocked based on your selection. A message notifying the status appears.
  2. When schematic or document is open in editor, you can lock or unlock an object using the options in the context menu. You can also access these commands from the toolbar of the editor.