General Preferences

General Preferences hold the common settings for all plug-ins. You can click 3DEXPERIENCE > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.

This page discusses:

General Preferences

General Preferences that do not fit into other categories are placed in general Preferences.

Action Description
Enable Debug Mode Activates debug mode for application error analysis.
Reset the application to defaults Deletes all user settings and resets the app to the default (as installed) settings.

Messaging Preferences

Messaging Preferences include Preferences for messaging and logging, including writing log files.

Action Description
Log level Select the Log level from the following options and click Apply:
  • INFO: Logs additional information. This is the default log level. This level creates also WARN and ERROR information.
  • WARN: Logs error and warnings. WARN log level creates also ERROR information, but INFO information is not any more created.
  • ERROR: Logs only error information.
  • Debug: Logs debug information and is more verbose. Debug log level gets imported for the support team.

Communication Preferences

You can configure Client communication ports in communication Preferences.

Communication port defines internal communication of Design with Altium Designer and shall only be changed only if instructed by the support organization. The standard Range Start Port is 9999 and the standard Range End Port is 11111.