Saving a 3D Shape's Description Property a As V4 Model Comment

This task shows you when saving a 3DEXPERIENCE 3D Shape document as a model, the Product Description property of the representation will be reported into the 3DEXPERIENCE model comment.

Product Description Property is available on any 3D Shape document or Product with 3D Shape and represents the only consisting correspondence to V4 Model/Detail comment functionality. It can be used to add text based information to pure 3D geometry data.

When migrating V4 models, the Product Description property is the target for the conversion of V4 Model/Detail comments. The reverse translation while saving 3DEXPERIENCE Representations as models is now possible.

For more information about the 3DEXPERIENCE to V4 Migration, please refer to Saving a 3D Shape Representation As a V4 Model.

  1. Open a 3D Shape.

  2. Select any component of the 3D Shape (or Product with 3D Shape) and Edit > Properties.Select the Reference Tab and the comments are in the Description field:

    The maximum length of a V4 comment is 70 characters per line. If you exceed this number, a new line -with date- is created. When you save a 3D Shape into a model, the comment (plus dates) you have added to the document is/are kept in memory.

  3. To save this 3D Shape as a model, select Content Access > Export.
  4. In the Export to file dialog box, select the location of the model document to be saved and rename it (or not) as required.
  5. Click the Save as type scrolling list: select model in the list displayed.
  6. And you obtain:MODEL_COMMENT.model. After a migration, the 3D Shape turns into a model. Note that the Properties dialog box is a little different but the access to this information is quite the same.

  7. To have access to the V4 Model comment, select File > Information. The Properties dialog box appears.

    You can also have access to the V4 Model comment by selecting File > Comment. The following dialog box appears:

    You can now compare, the original comments which have been transferred from 3DEXPERIENCE to CATIA V4. Moreover, in the Comment dialog box you can add information or modify the content of the model's comment. The new comment can be saved in the model's properties when you close and save the document.