Capability to identify a Model coming from 3DEXPERIENCE

This task shows you that it is possible to know that a model has been created in 3DEXPERIENCE.

When V4 models are created in 3DEXPERIENCE by theSave As Model functionality, they have a version flag (like every model built in V4).

This task shows you how to:

Permanent identification of a .model coming from 3DEXPERIENCE

Previously, any V4 utility overwrote this flag with its V4 level. When models were used in a V4 batch, the CATIA version of this batch replaced the version flag of the model. So it was impossible to know that a model was coming from 3DEXPERIENCE. Now in 3DEXPERIENCE, we will add a new information on the model, to keep the building version: the flag is kept even if a V4 utility is used.

Therefore, information will be added to models during the Save As Model operation in 3DEXPERIENCE. To access to this information, a V4 code integration has to be done. So a V4 PTF should be installed to support this capability.

You can convert any 3D Shape into a V4 model. Interactive Save As Model can be used. New information will be added to the created model. To get this additional information on the created version, a V4 CATGEO will be used.


This section describes the how the capability to identify a Model coming from 3DEXPERIENCE adds value.

  • helps the customer to track the data coming from 3DEXPERIENCE

  • allows the customization of the model checks if a model has been done in V4 or in 3DEXPERIENCE.