Creating Hyperlink Markers

Hyperlink lets you create a marker that is linked to a document or a web page.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Link to a Document

You can create a marker linked to an existing document.

  1. Select an object in the 3D area to which you want to link the marker.

    • You can select multiple objects before clicking the command to link the marker to all the preselected objects. The marker is created with multiple leaders.
    • After clicking the command, you can click in the 3D area to create the marker without any link to any object.

  2. Select the import type.
    Important: Import type options are unavailable if you insert a document from the database by searching from the top bar.
    • Import Image as Link : saves the document as a link.
    • Import Image as DOC and save it : imports the document in a DOC format and saves it.
  3. Select a document.
    • Select a document from the Standard Docs tab.
    • Select a document from your local computer.
      1. Click Browse Image.
      2. Select the required document and click Open.

        The selected document appears in the Import Document tab.

      3. Click the imported document.
    • Enter the required string in the Search box in the top bar, press Enter, and select the required document from the displayed results.

    You can create hyperlinks to the following documents:

    • Image files: .bmp, .png, .tiff, and .rgb
    • Other files: .doc, .docx, .xls, .pdf, svg, and .zip

  4. Optional: To link the marker to a new object,
    1. Right-click the marker and select Add Leader.
    2. Select the object in the 3D area.
    The marker is linked to the object.

  5. Optional: To remove the link with an object, right-click the extremity handle of the leader and select Remove Leader.
    The link with the object is removed.

Open the Linked Document

  1. Select the required marker.
  2. Press the spacebar.
    The document opens in the respective app.
    Tip: You can also right-click the required marker and select Hyperlink.x object > Go To Hyperlink