Creating a Section Along a Surface
Sectioning Using Surface
lets you
create a section using a surface as a sectioning element.
Before you begin:
Open a product and create a surface of the required shape.
Switch to
Design Synthesis
Select a surface in the
3D area
Select the products to be sectioned.
The section is created along the selected surface.
Drag the surface to translate it to a required position.
Change the visualization of the section using the commands on the
context toolbar
Display the section front cut
Clips the product and displays the front portion of the sectioned product.
Hide the section cut
Hides the section cut.
Display the section back cut
Clips the product and displays the back portion of the sectioned product.
Always display the cut of the section
Always displays the section cut, when you rotate the product.
The created section is non-persistent.
See Also
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