Creating Stamp Markers

You can create stamp markers to display the review status with additional information such as user name, date, time, and other explanation.

  1. Click Approved or Rejected .
  2. Select an object in the 3D area to which you want to link the marker.

    • You can select multiple objects before clicking the command to link the marker to all the preselected objects. The marker is created with multiple leaders.
    • After clicking the command, you can click in the 3D area to create the marker without any link to any object.

    The marker is created.
  3. Optional: To add text information to the marker, double-click the marker.
  4. Optional: Enter your text, and select the appropriate font style and font size.
  5. Click OK .
    The marker is updated.
  6. Optional: To link the marker to a new object,
    1. Right-click the marker and select Add Leader.
    2. Select the object in the 3D area.
  7. Optional: To remove the link with an object, right-click the extremity handle of the leader and select Remove Leader.