Creating a Slide

Slide lets you capture the current viewpoint and state.

Before you begin: Create a markup and ensure that it is activated.
  1. Click Slide .
    A new slide is created that captures the current content of the following:
    • Overloaded product structure attributes
    • Overloaded session settings attributes
    • Values of all visible review data

    The slide appears in the tree under the active review under the Slides node.

  2. Optional: To rename the slide:
    • Right-click the slide in the tree and select Properties.
    • Click and edit the slide name on the thumbnail in Slide View.
  3. Optional: To delete the slide, right-click the slide in the tree and select Delete.
  4. Optional: To apply the slide, click the slide's thumbnail, or right-click the slide in the tree and select Apply Slide.
    The applied slide is underlined in Slide View.
  5. Optional: Use the following commands available on the slide's thumbnail:

    Command Description
    Create Highlight Creates a highlight of a slide in validation.
    Reply Creates a reply to a slide or another reply slide.
    Update Slide Updates a slide to include the latest modifications in the markup data.
