Measuring an Arc Using Three Points

You can measure an arc by selecting three points on a 3D geometry.

The context determines whether or not the measure will be persistent. For more information, see Persistent vs. Non-persistent Measures.

  1. From the secondary area of the Review section of the action bar, click Measure Arc Through 3 Points .
    • The pointer changes to the measure pointer . Depending on the position of the measure pointer, it may also show a symbol indicating the object you can select with it. For a list of all the measure pointers, see Pointer Transformation.
    • The Measure Arc Through 3 Points dialog box appears with the Specifications tab activated.
  2. Select the first point to be used to measure the arc.

    • In the Measure Arc Through 3 Points dialog box, the Point 1 box is completed with the coordinates of the selected point.
    • The pointer changes to .
  3. Select the second point.

    • In the Measure Arc Through 3 Points dialog box, the Point 2 box is completed with the coordinates of the selected point.
    • The pointer changes to .
  4. Select the third point.

    • In the Measure Arc Through 3 Points dialog box, the Point 3 box is completed with the coordinates of the selected point.
    • The arc with angle is displayed in the 3D area.

    The Customize and Results tabs in the Measure Arc Through 3 Points dialog box now become available.

    In the Customize tab, you can show or hide different parameters in the 3D area and the Results tab. For information, see Customizing Measurements.

  5. Click OK to create the measurement.
    You can now no longer modify the created measurement.

  • You can right-click the measure in the tree or in the geometry to access additional commands.
  • Associativity between a measure result and geometry created using the Create geometries command in V5 is not migrated.
  • Slides are self-sufficient. Associative measures may therefore have different values in different slides.

    Note that you cannot change selections. If you do, you will receive a warning message.