Generating an Issue

You can generate an issue from a highlight.

For more information about issues, see Issue Management User's Guide.

Before you begin: Create and save a highlight.
See Also
Creating a Highlight
  1. Right-click the highlight in the tree and select Generate > Issue.

    The Generate Issue panel appears with the following boxes prefilled with information derived from the highlight:

    • Properties:
      Option Description
      Title It is prefilled with the name of the highlight.
      Description It is prefilled with the description of the highlight. If the highlight has no description, the issue's description is prefilled using the context of the review.
      Priority The priority is set as per the priority of the highlight.
    • Reported Against:
      Option Description
      Reported Against The following objects are set as Reported Against objects:
      • If the highlight is pointing to an interference, its interfering parts are set as the related objects.
      • If the review has validated objects, they are set as the related objects.
      • Otherwise, the contexts of the review are set as the related objects.
      Contexts The contexts of the review are selected.
    • Members:
      Option Description
      Assignees It is prefilled with the members selected while creating the issue or the owners of the Reported Against objects.
    • Attachments:
      Option Description
      Attachments The highlight is attached by default. You can attach more files that define or depict the issue.
    Note: You can modify content of the above boxes as required.

  2. Click Start to generate the issue.