Creating an Archive

You can create an archive of the slide and visualize it by using PLM TimeMachine functionality.

An archive is a record of information taken from a slide. The archive stores its date of creation, the screen capture of the product, and the viewpoint, taken from a slide. You can create multiple archives of a slide.

Before you begin:
  • Add the Archive slide command in any of the section of the action bar.
  • Ensure that the Display Thumbnails for Markups, Replies, Highlights and Slides in Design Synthesis App check box is selected to display the thumbnail views.
See Also
Animating the Archives
About Archiving and Animating Archives
  1. Click Archive slide .
    A frame appears on the screen displaying a preview of the archive.
  2. Click .
    The slide is archived and the archive thumbnail is added to the Achive View. For more information, see Archive View.
    • The name of the archive consists of the date and time when the archive was created, and the name of the parent slide.
    • The tab for selecting Archive View appears when you create an archive or when at least one archive exists in the slide.
    • You can create multiple archives on a slide.
  3. Optional: On the archive thumbnail, click Delete to delete the archive.
    The archive is deleted.