Illustrative Scenario

The following is a short scenario that illustrates different features of slides.

Before you begin:

The departure point for the scenario is a product containing a review.

  1. Using the robot, move a component.

  2. Create an annotation to highlight the modification.
    The annotation is created and added in the Notes category of the review.

  3. From the Review section of the action bar, click Slide.
    Slide.1 is created.
  4. Click to reset the product.
    The product structure is reset to its initial state. Annotations remain visible: those that were linked to a product will follow the linked object, whereas those that were not linked will maintain their position.

  5. Create some new annotations.

  6. Apply another slide, for example Slide.1.
    A message appears indicating that you have made modifications that have not been saved and that you can create a new slide or update an existing slide in order to save them.
  7. Create a new slide, Slide.2, to save those modifications.
  8. Apply another slide, for example Slide.1.
    The annotations saved in Slide.2 pass into No-show space, since only Circle.3 was saved in Slide.1.

    Annotations in No-show space can always be passed into Show space for the creation of new slides or the updating of existing slides.

  9. Select those annotations, right-click and select Show.
    The annotations pass into Show space.
    Important: The independence of slides and notes now makes it possible for a given marker annotation to have different values in different slides (text annotations are constant across all slides in which they are used).
  10. Move one of the annotations that was passed into Show space and update Slide.1.

  11. Apply Slide.2.
    You can see that the Circle (Circle.4) has different position values in the two slides.